Hike #10: 5th Ave and Victoria Ave to Quarry Rd

5th Ave (Vineland) to Quarry Rd (Lincoln)


We started our hike today on Victoria Ave.  We got someone to drop us off as there isn't any parking; although people do park at the water reservoir on 5the ave.  We ended up hiking to Quarry Rd where there is roadside parking available for approximately six cars. 

If you're hiking this section of the Bruce Trail, keep in mind that once you pass Cherry Ave there really isn't any convenient point to exit the trail until you get to Quarry Rd. 

The trail begins at the top of Victoria Ave, just south of 5th Ave. 

Entrance to Bruce Trail at the top of Victoria Ave.

There is a good view of the surrounding landscape which is dotted with vineyards.  You can also see Lake Ontario in the distance.  The trail immediately enters a thin strip of woods flanked by rolling hills.

Entrance to woods at Victoria Ave.

Trail passing through a thin strip of woods surrounded by rolling hills.

This thin strip of woods quickly enters a proper forest, winding through gentle hills.  

Stile at entrance of woods proper.

Just before exiting the woods at Moyer Rd. you will pass by the edge of one of the many vineyards in this region.  Note: the trail here has been rerouted as the bridge is out.

Bridge out! Trail is rerouted here through the back of a vineyard.

Bridge under repair.

There is limited street parking on Moyer Rd.

View of limited parking at Moyer Rd.

The trail jumps back into the woods a short distance down Moyer Road.

A bridge on the section of trail between Moyer Rd and Cherry Ave.

This section of the trail follows the base of the escarpment, which at this point is not too elevated (little more than a mole hill).  Note that there is no street parking on Cherry Ave. 

The entrance of the trail on the opposite side of Cherry Ave is easy to miss.  As you re-enter the trail here, you will quickly climb to the top of the escarpment and come across Megalomaniac Winery. This is a great place to make a pitstop for a wine tasting or to browse their boutique. 

Megalomaniac winery at the top of Cherry Ave.

The trail continues through mature woods with moderate descents and climbs.

Peter can't resist climbing a fallen tree that spans a ravine...

The trail will descend to the base of the escarpment to an opening at the edge of the woods with a view to - you guessed it - more vineyards!  

View of pond and vineyard from the trail.

After descending to the base of the escarpment, the trail will send you on an intense climb back to the top.  The heights here are amazing!

A portion of the trail ascending to the top of the escarpment.

For the remainder of this leg of the journey (approximately 4km), the trail sticks to the top of the escarpment with no convenient exit points.  You will often find yourself near the edge of the ridge with marvellous views of the surrounding landscape.

Sign at the top of the escarpment commemorating the first blaze placed on the Bruce Trail.

The Bruce Trail continues through woods along the top of the escarpment.   The soaring cliffs in this section of the trail are picturesque.  

One of the many cliff edges encountered in this section of the trail above Cave Springs.

Although camping is not permitted along the Bruce Trail, we did pass a section where there were obvious signs that people have camped here in the past.

Fire pit that has seen lots of use from campers.

As you hike along the edge of the escarpment you will be rewarded with many stunning views of vineyards, nearby towns, and of course Lake Ontario.

View of Cave Springs and Lake Ontario from the escarpment.

View of Beamsville and Lake Ontario (in the distance) from the Bruce Trail.  Cave Springs winery is seen in the foreground.

We took some time to enjoy the views of the cliff walls and to rest our tired feet.

Cliff wall near Cave Springs.

The trail continued through the woods, ending abruptly at a steep staircase of rock to open onto Quarry Rd.

The trail continues south a short distance along a bend in Quarry Road to re-enter the woods.  There is roadside parking nearby that accommodates approximately six vehicles.  We decided to end this leg of the journey here.

Hike #10

Date:                       September 5th, 2021

Start:                       5th Avenue, Vineland  (No Parking) 5th Avenue

Finish:                     Quarry Rd (N 43.142846, W 79.458913)

Distance:                8 kms

Time:                       2:10 hours 

Difficulty:               Easy - Moderate

Trail Use:                 Hiking only

Total kms hiked:     67.9 kms

Kms remaining:     844 kms

Points of Interest in the area on Victoria Ave towards the lake: Grand Oak Culinary Market (not open Sundays);  Bizjak's Farm Market; Granny's Boot Antiques 

Points of Interest on Victoria Ave, Vineland

Bizjak Farms on Victoria Ave, Vineland

Bruce Trail Website


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