Hike #8: Rockway to Louth Conservation


Our trek today started at Rockway Community Centre. We parked our second car at the Staff Avenue Parking Lot (base of the Louth Conservation Area).  Both locations had free parking but no washroom facilities. There was limited parking at Staff Ave (12 cars)

Rockway Side Trail

We took the Rockway Side Trail to the Bruce Trail which leads towards the bottom of the Rockway Falls. When we got to the bridge we strayed from the Bruce Trail and headed south on the left side of the river to the base of the falls.  This is the only way to see the falls as you cannot see them from the top at the Rockway Community Centre or from the Bruce Trail. This involved a bit of a detour (about 500 metres each way) on an unmarked trail. Be cautious of falling rocks.

Bridge at the base of the Gorge

In order to get to the falls you will have to climb a couple of rock ledges. 

Rock ledge on route to base of the Falls

The second rock ledge is difficult to climb; however, there is a concealed path to the left (east) of the rock ledge. Peter climbed up the rock ledge while I scouted for the route around. Good thing too, as Peter wasn't looking forward to climbing back down. 

1st rock ledge on route to Rockway Falls

Rockway Glen

When you get to the plateau near the base of the falls the gorge curves around the to the southeast. Continue around if you'd like to see the falls. There are several large boulders strewn about. The next three pictures show the 2nd ledge and Peter climbing it. 

Basin near the base of Rockway Falls

Peter Climbing 2nd ledge

Climbing the 2nd ledge

Basin at bottom of Rockway Falls

At this time of the year there was not a lot of water cascading; however, it was not as dry as some of the other waterfalls we've seen this late in the summer. It would be interesting to revisit this waterfall in the spring.

Rockway Falls (straight on view)

Rockway Falls (side view)

A portion of this section of the Bruce Trail between Rockway Falls and Louth Conservation Area does traverse private property. Beware of the nearby shooting range.

There are also a lot of steep descents and climbs as we navigated gorges that cut into the escarpment.

We accidentally took the Louth Side Trail back on route to the Staff Avenue Parking Lot. This cut off a small portion of the Bruce trail that runs at the base of the escarpment whereas, the Louth Side trail runs parallel at the top.  There is a gentle graded climb.

Where the Louth Side Trail reunites with the Bruce you have the option of taking the Staff Avenue Side Trail to the parking lot. 

Hike #8

Date:                        August 15th, 2021

Start:                        Rockway Community Centre (Free Parking): Rockway Map 

Finish:                      Staff Ave Parking Lot (Free Parking) : Staff Ave Parking

Distance:                6.1 kms (including 1km Rockway Fall Basin Exploration)

Time:                       2 hours 

Difficulty:                Moderate rocky terrain; some steep embankments

Trail Use:                 Hiking only

Total kms hiked:   52.7  kms

Kms remaining:    859.2 kms


  1. Thank you! I can't wait until we can pop nugget in the hiker and bring him along!


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